I like to use R for work and also during my free time.
From time to time I update my Shiny App called LabCalculateR, which offers a selection of calculation functionalities such as pipetting schemes for calibration stock solutions and other things that are done on a daily basis in the analytical chemistry lab.
I also created an R package called aquacultuR, which builds on my Aquaculture Formulary where I collect equations that are used in aquaculture research. My goal is that this package will allow to run a full-fledged analysis of data acquired during feeding trials with just one click on the knit button in RMarkdown.

AQUA2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
During the AQUA2024 conference, I held an R workshop for beginners and intermediate level students. Below you can find the workshop slides to download.
Other R learning resources
Nowadays, there is a large number of resources to learn the basics of data analysis with R. Below is a selection of learning resources I can recommend.
Other useful links